• Step on an aluminum balcony and take in the scenery at the latest ultra-luxury rental at the NorthShore 770. The NorthShore 770 makes one desire to live in an apartment, and the NorthShore 770 seems to provide amazing opportunities to truly live up.

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  • Stairs Reminiscent of MC Escher This photo of an in process stair railing installation brings to mind the Relativity drawing by MC Escher. MC Escher was a genius at mathematical relationships, order, symmetry, perception, perspective, and the ability to think 3D in a 2D space; some of the key characteristics that embody architects and drafters.

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  • To keep the sign from falling off the building facade, Midwest created an unusual custom steel frame to adapt to the unique requirements.

    In order to help the pieces of this project come together, Midwest Stairs & Iron partnered with SignEffectz for the construction of the sign itself, and general contractor Hunzinger Construction. This capability is part of the miscellaneous metals division.

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  • We had a great time, and connected with a lot of inspiring architects at BONDMulti. It was highly informative to learn about the construction growth in the United States. http://www.bondmulti.com

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  • Howard attended the Las Vegas Ironworkers Convention. One thing that resonated is IMPACT’s attention and goal of no accidents, with a countdown to zero fatalities safety and awareness campaign. Here is the Ironworkers Safety Webcast on the statistics and their plan to countdown to zero: http://youtu.be/hkiSOPRhxTo Midwest Stairs & Iron is thankful to report through our

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  • Know Egress Lighting Options, Codes, and Requirements Responsibility is key to safely illuminating egress paths. The responsibility of planning egress lighting within buildings generally lies with the engineer, architect, or both. In either case, an egress marking system is one of the last in the design phase, but can be one of the most important.

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  • Get Custom Shop Drawings to Use in Your Architectural Design The key to success is collaboration. This is what we focus on here at Midwest Stairs & Iron where we believe in developing relationships focused on teamwork. Each of our clients has its individual needs, therefore requiring its own unique product. We know that each project

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  • You may have noticed that all over the United States, high-rise apartment complexes are popping up in every major city. More and more young professionals are seeking housing in cities near their places of work, and this requires developers to meet that demand. The most popular trend we are seeing with the urban apartments and

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  • Here are a few trends in modern multifamily complexes: Give the complex a trendy name, Add amenities, and Use things like a powder coated aluminum balcony color to differentiate from other multifamily buildings. The Trio in Milwaukee is a trendy name complex comprised of three buildings. This new multifamily property has unique amenities like a

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  • You can find this steel staircase in the new Kohl’s Kitch cafeteria. Kohl’s is attracting talent with a new modern corporate dining facility called ‘The Kitch’, which features a steel staircase and architectural metal panels by Midwest Stairs & Iron. (Actually, the feature is wood fired pizza and custard options, with a metal feature serving

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